Activate your Highest Potential to Elevate your Impact

I see that hidden light burning bright inside of you calling from within. Your spirit longs for the fullest expression of your potential.

I see you. And I get you.

Hi there, I’m Lara Jaye, an intuitive seer, energy alchemist, and light language pioneer offering decades of experience to purpose-driven visionaries like you. As your catalyst, my commitment lies in paving the way for your most prosperous and impactful journey.

If you are ready to connect with your inner wisdom and embody the highest expression of yourself while staying fully grounded, you are ready to work with me.

As you elevate YOURSELF, you elevate your IMPACT.

As Seen In

Lara Jaye

Shift from…

struggle to FLOW

doing to BEING


stress to PEACE


confusion to CLARITY


competition to


chaos to POWER

Harnessing the Power of Positive Thinking: Managing Your Monkey Mind

Harnessing the Power of Positive Thinking: Managing Your Monkey Mind

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, our minds often resemble a restless monkey, swinging from one thought branch to another with seemingly no end in sight. This phenomenon, often referred to as the “monkey mind,” can wreak havoc on our mental well-being if left unchecked. However, what if I told you that you possess the power to tame this wild beast and reclaim control over your thoughts? It all begins with awareness.

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Cultivating Self Awareness: Key to Personal Growth

Cultivating Self Awareness: Key to Personal Growth

Self-awareness isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a fundamental aspect of personal development and success. Understanding oneself becomes increasingly crucial in a world filled with distractions and noise. Self-awareness is recognizing and understanding one’s thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors. It involves introspection, reflection, and an honest assessment of oneself. It’s like holding up a mirror to our inner selves, allowing us to see ourselves more clearly and objectively.

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What is a Spiritual Practice?

What is a Spiritual Practice?

No one can argue that the last few years have been challenging in unique ways we haven’t experienced before. Many believe the chaos will continue for several more years to come. As the world continues to evolve, our individual lives may feel like we are riding a roller coaster with twists, turns, and upside/down with no end in sight. The good news is you CAN have calm in the chaos. You CAN choose a higher path for yourself. To do that, though, I believe we all will need three things to move forward in peace ~

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Praise for Lara

Lara cleared my personal energy, which instantly shifted my whole perspective on life. Everything became crystal clear, and not bogged down by heavy emotional energy from the separation.

I feel that 100% of people who come in contact with Lara need to realize there is a hyper-synchronicity at play, and you should take immediate action in working with Lara to clear your personal energy fields, your home and place of work (even if it is online). There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that you will feel the shifts immediately, and you will get a return on your ‘investment’ with Lara far above what you can imagine right now. Having clear energy is everything!

From the moment Lara cleared my personal energy, I felt relief from the heaviness of the separation I was going through. Then Lara cleared my home, followed by my business, both of which had an instant shift of feeling bright, happy, and full of my energy. Ever since my clearing six months ago, my home has felt like a genuine sanctuary, and my business has been shedding blocks and limitations to effortless flow and abundance.

~ Lars Rain Gustafsson, CEO, UEXL

Money-wise, we are up $70,000 in 6 months compared to last year.

The short-term results were immediately feeling a sense of a weight being lifted from my shoulders. The long-term results have been numerous, including employees that stayed in a state of raised awareness and vibration.

Money-wise, we are up $70,000 in 6 months compared to last year. Lara has created an energy of healing and raised our vibration on a personal level which has translated into an elevated business and overall environment.

~Eryn, CEO

Working with Lara has changed the trajectory of not only my life but my husband's and children's lives as well.

Lara has worked with my whole family and changed our dynamics as a group.

The light language washes over you and blankets you with calmness.

You feel cared for, comforted, and safe from all outside nonsense.

I am now more grounded and aware of my own issues.

Lara has worked with my whole family and changed our dynamics as a group. We have so much more fun together and just have more joy in our relationships.

~ Dianna, Owner

I can't explain it... it just felt good.

I highly recommend engaging Lara as a strategy to wipe your energetic, mental and emotional slate clean – to recalibrate with your higher purpose, energy, and clarity.

Lara Jaye is one of the highest-level healers I have encountered on my journey of self-discovery.

Lara has helped me grow spiritually.

I've been completely reprogrammed into happiness, joy, power, and light.


She’s smart, sassy, funny, and soulful with wisdom beyond what we know.

Lara seemingly takes these blinders off your face, figuratively smacks you across the face with a velvety hand, and releases you into the open to make you free to be the person you were meant to be in this world. It’s a liberating experience that can change your life. Lara is able to relate to any experience — and I mean any experience, whether you’re a man or woman — and can help you breathe for a moment and assess the situation. Her spirit just draws you in like an old friend and brings peace.

~ Brad M, CEO

I’ve had many sessions with her and always leave with my stagnant energy lifted, having more knowledge about myself, and feeling much lighter!

Experience the power of the unseen!

Lara’s real world experience with the invisible realm is unparalleled. Learn how you can harness the power of the unseen to create shifts in your own life, business and community. Each episode also includes a LIGHT LANGUAGE MEDITATION!